About The Journal

TAPROBANICA is a SCOPUS (Scimago Q2) and WEB OF SCIENCE indexed (1.09 impact factor), open access online journal and all articles published in TAPROBANICA are registered under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise mentioned. TAPROBANICA allows unrestricted use of articles in any medium, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. The author owns the copyright of the article once it is published.
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TAPROBANICA, The Journal of Asian Biodiversity eISSN 1800-427X (founded in 2009) is a SCOPUS indexed, International, Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Multidisciplinary, Online journal devoted to biodiversity (fauna & flora) in Asia. TAPROBANICA accepts original papers on:
(1) Biodiversity, Species and their Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, Environmental Biology, Biogeography, Illegal Wildlife Trade and other Threats;
(2) The effects of Climate or Land use Change on Biodiversity and its Management for People and Nature;
(3) Biodiversity Policy and Planning, Management and Enhancement Strategies for Sustainable use of Biodiversity and wildlife.
The ultimate aim of the journal is to provide an effective medium for communication of the latest and best scientific information.

TAPROBANICA is the official Journal of Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and managed by the Research Center for Climate Change (RCCC) Universitas Indonesia, INDONESIA.

TAPROBANICA is a free-to-publish journal. Therefore, we DO NOT charge for Article Submission or Article Processing (APC). There are NO Page Charges. The online version is published at our website www.taprobanica.org with DOI: 10.47605/tapro. TAPROBANICA provides immediate free open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. We also allow authors to publish images and figures in color online at NO cost. However, TAPROBANICA may charge to publish images in the print edition in color (if more than 5 color images). We also provide waivers or discounts on color charges.

The hard copies of the Journal’s regular issue is printed at the University of Indonesia Press.

The journal’s geographic range extends to Asia with special attention to South and Southeast Asian regions.

TAPROBANICA maintains a strict schedule of publication. Published biannually. The two regular issues (fascicles) are published online (and print) in May and November every year. Each regular fascicle of the journal publishes minimum 10 articles (minimum 20 per year). TAPROBANICA also publishes supplementary issues in the form of either a supplement OR special issue. These will be published as and when the manuscript is ready for publication, except when it is too close to the date of the regular issue. In that instance the supplementary issue can be published in between a week after the previous regular issue and a week before next regular issue. Therefore, the number of fascicles may be increased, depending on the volume of contribution. The printed version is available only for the regular issues, printed on art paper with minimum 200 copies in perfect-bound double column format. High quality colour and black & white illustrations are encouraged, and will be accepted with no charge for pages and illustrations.

TAPROBANICA follows the single-blind peer review process. Minimum three Reviewers expert in the field (except those solicited from experts) who are not part of the journal’s editorial staff will review each manuscript. Every manuscript will be assigned to a Section Editor who, along with the Editor-in-Chief, will be responsible in making final editorial decisions. TAPROBANICA identifies Section Editors only after the initial round of reviews. The Section Editors will be picked from the journal’s editorial board AND Reviewers will be picked from the field of the subject identified. The Section Editor’s name will appear on the first page (below the title of the article) unless anonymity is requested. All reviews are single blind. The reviewers may reveal their name to the authors after reviewing process completed. Reviewers and Section Editors of TAPROBANICA are volunteers. Although reviewer comments are expected within a month sometimes due to requests for extension from reviewers and non-availability of subject reviewers, in rare cases the review process may take longer than 3 months. Therefore, the journal does not guarantee manuscript acceptance or very short peer review times.

TAPROBANICA is abstracted or indexed in (1) SCOPUS, (2) Web of Science, (3) Google Scholar, (4) PubGet, (5) Bibliomania, (6) Bibliothekssystem Universität Hamburg, (7) Docseek, (8) Genamics, (9) Index Copernicus, (10) J4F, (11) NSFSL, (12) Researchgate, (13) Slashdocs, (14) SLJOL, (15) WILBERT, (16) Worldcat, and (17) WZB e-journals etc. TAPROBANICA online version is registered in ZooBank (sensu Article 8 of ICZN 1999). For digital archiving we follow the national policy at National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. TAPROBANICA is also archived in INTERNET ARCHIVE for long-term preservation.

Volumes 1–2 (2009–10) of TAPROBANICA Journal were published by Taprobanica Nature Conservation Society (SRI LANKA), an independent, Non-Governmental Organization established in 11 September 2008. Registered under Voluntary Social Services Organizations Act, No 31 of 1980 as amended by Act, No 8 of 1998 (Reg. No: L-131816) of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Volumes 3–5 (2011–13) of the Journal were published by Taprobanica Private Limited (SRI LANKA), an independent, private organization established in 15 February 2011. Incorporated under Companies Act, No. 7 of 2007 (Reg. No: PV 77205) of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Since Volume 6 (2014–) of the Journal has been published by Research Center for Climate Change, Universitas Indonesia (INDONESIA), an independent Research Center established in 17 October 2010. Registered as a Directorate for Research and Community Services Universitas Indonesia. From the year 2017 until 2019 were lapsed due to lack of funding to cover the printing cost of journal. TAPROBANICA was recommenced in 2020 (Volume 9) and published again by the Research Center for Climate Change (RCCC) which is now operated by the Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of the Universitas Indonesia (INDONESIA).

Business models or revenue sources (e.g. publishing expenses, advertising, institutional support, and organizational support) are generated by the Research Center for Climate Change. Therefore, Publishing fees or waiver status does not influence editorial decision making. Advertisements are also not related in any way to editorial decision making and are kept separate from the published content. Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts that are conducted on behalf of the journal, are appropriate, well targeted, and unobtrusive.

Greek astronomer Ptolemy compiled a map in 139 AD and labelled the island as “Taprobane”. Reports of the island’s existence were known before the time of Alexander the Great (~350 BC). For some time, the exact place to which the name referred remained uncertain. The likely possibilities included: Sri Lanka, or Sumatra, or phantom island. We use the name “TAPROBANICA” for our company as well as for our journal.


Authorship and contributorship :
Contributors are either author contributors or non-author contributors. Non-author contributors are those who helped in carrying out the research and they can be appreciated at the acknowledgements statement at the end of the paper. The submitting author takes primary responsibility for submitting the article to the journal using our online manuscript submission system and for communicating with the journal during the article submission, peer review and revision process. The submitting author might assign the corresponding author when providing author details. All contributing authors must know of and concur with the submission of manuscripts.

Complaints and appeals handling :
This procedure applies to complaints that relate to content, procedures or policies that are the responsibility of TAPROBANICA or our editorial staff. Complaints should be directly email to <taprobanica.editor1@gmail.com>and will be dealt with confidentially. Appeals (rebuttals) are not accepted by the journal and the editor’s decision is final, because the journal editors carefully follow reviewers’ comments and author’s replied before taking final decision on manuscript acception or rejection.

Policy on conflicts of interest / competing interests :
TAPROBANICA will not reject manuscripts simply because authors have a conflicting / competing interest, but these will be declared on the published paper.

Policy on data sharing and reproducibility :
We require that the data generated by your research that supports your article be made openly and publicly available upon publication of your article.

Policy on ethical oversight :
All material published in TAPROBANICA journals which reports experiments performed using animals must adhere to high ethical standards concerning animal welfare. Manuscripts will be considered for publication only if the work described follows international, national and institutional guidelines for the humane treatment of animals and complies with relevant legislation. Also, the authors must follow the guidelines on the proper collecting permits or reputable dealers, and type specimens are deposited in recognized National or International depositories (in case of specimens of taxa describe as new species).

Policy on intellectual property :
The author must take the responsibility of their results, data, figures in the submitted manuscript have not been published elsewhere, nor are they under consideration (from you or one of your contributing authors) by another publisher. This policy ensures that contributors who have made substantive intellectual contributions to an article are given credit and that contributors understand their role in taking responsibility and being accountable for what is published.

Post-publication corrections / retraction :
We expect authors to inform the journal’s Editor-in-chief (using Contact Us form of the journal website) of any errors of fact they have noticed (or have been informed of) in their article once published. Corrections are made at the journal’s discretion. Retractions are considered by journal editors in cases of evidence of unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and unethical research. TAPROBANICA does not facilitates any author name changes after the publication.

TAPROBANICA supports scientific ethics and does not tolerate any form of scientific misconduct including fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and duplicate submissions. TAPROBANICA routinely screen article submissions for plagiarism. Note that scientific misconduct does not include honest errors, errors in judgment, difference of opinion or misconduct unrelated to the publication being criticized. In the instance of suspected scientific misconduct, the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing Editor, and the Editorial Board Memebers will investigate objectively and TAPROBANICA will take appropriate actions suitable for the crime.